Smart Home - Smart Living

Smart speakers are rarely used to control other smart things

The smart speakers are gradually becoming more democratic. The market leader is none other than Amazon with its voice assistant Alexa while Apple’s Google Home and HomePod are also available in France. But that’s the only thing: according to a study by IHS Marker, these smart speakers are actually very little used to control other smart things. However, such a use is possible but it would seem that in reality, not all houses are designed to be smart to the same smart device.


A small proportion of the users concerned

According to IHS Market, very few users of smart objects are involved in home automation. Home automation is none other than the control of lamps, fans, windows and other thermometers smart via another smart device. According to the survey, only 6% of owners of smart speakers are found to follow this practice. Most of the time, they use the functions to launch music, send messages, buy products or even ask for the weather. Basically: the basics.

It must be said that few users own a smart home for various reasons – which can be imagined financial. IHS Market still predicts a democratization of the market over time, pushing owners of smart speakers to look at other smart things that will also become accessible.

In terms of the distribution of smart speakers, which is a booming market, there are Amazon branded products with 40% market share while Google has 23%. 20% of the respondents have a smart enclosure from both firms.

There is no doubt that with time, democratization and the decline of products, houses will gradually become smart while objects will be able to communicate with each other. The 6% figure reported by IHS Market is likely to grow.
